SAP Certified Associate Certification - ABAP Certification
ABAP Object Oriented Programming
Which of the following is a t rue statement:
A. Static attributes ca n be declared only in the private
visibility section of the class.
B.Static attributes are declared with the CLASS - DATA
C. A static attribute is the same across all instances of
the class. There is only
one static attribute across all instances of the class.
D.Static attributes cannot be changed by an object.
Correct answers: B. C
2. Private
components of the class cannot be addressed directly from outside the class
except when the friendship concept applies.
A- True
Correct answer: A
Subclasses can access the private components of the parent class.
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: B
Subclasses inherent all the components of the parent class.
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: A
Public methods ca n access the private attributes of the same
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: A
6. Protected attributes can be accessed by methods of the class and its sub
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: A
7. You
cannot use the LIKE statement to define an attiibute in a class.
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: B
8. The
READ ONLY addition for
the attribute declaration can be used in the private and public
visibility section.
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: B
9. The
READ ONLY attribute ca n not be addressed outside the class.
B. False
Correct answers: A, B, C, D
10. Which
of the following are correct statements?
A. Class methods
assigned to the public visibility section ca n be accessed outside the class using the static component selector
and the class name.
B. Static methods can be defined in both the public and
private visibility section of the class.
C. Only public methods ca n be addressed outside the class.
D. You can call private methods within
the public methods without reference to the object or class.
E. None of the above
Correct answer: A
11. The constructor method is
called automatically when you create an instance of the class.
A. True
B. False
Correct answer: A
The class constructor method is called automatically when you
access the class for the first time.
Correct answer: B
13. The constructor method is
always defined in the private visibility section of the class.
A. True
Correct answer: B
You can call the constructor method directly.
A. True
Correct answer: A