ABAP Certification - SAP NetWeaver Associate

SAP ABAP Certification - Associate Developer

SAP Classical Screens

1.   Which of the following is correct:
A. The screen attributes can be modified in the PROCESS AFTER  INPUT event block.
B. The screen attributes can be modified in the PROCESS SHORE OUTPUT event block .
C. The screen attributes can be modified in the PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT and
D. None of the above

Correct answer: B

2.   The static sequence of the default next screen can be established by the value
in the screen attribute next screen."
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

 3.            If you enter the value "0" or blank(" ")as the next screen, then the system resumes processing from the point at which the screen was initiated, assuming the next screen attribute is overridden dynamically in the program.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

4.            The next screen attribute can be temporarily overwritten by the set screen statement, that is, SET  SCREEN  200.
B. False

Correct answer: A

5.            The FIELD statement does not have any effect in the PBO event block, and it should not be used in the PBO event block.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

6.  The FIELD statement with the ON  INPUT addition is used to conditionally call the ABAP dialog module. The ABAP dialog module is called if the value of the screen field is other than the initial value.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

7.            The FIELD statement with the ON   REQUEST addition calls the ASAP dialog module if any value is entered in the screen field.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

8.                            You can call a module for the FIELD statement to validate user entry on the input field. You can validate the entry on the input field and send an error or a warning message from an ABAP dialog module.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

9.   If an error or warning message is sent from the ASAP dialog module for the FIELD statement within the CHAIN and ENDCHAIN  statements  then all of the fields within CHAIN and ENDCHAIN are ready for user input again.

A. True

Correct answer: A

10.  The user interface consists of the GUI status and GUI title.
A. True

Correct answer: A

11. A menu bar can have at most 10 menus.
A. True

Correct answer: B

12.  The application toolbar can have up to _ buttons on the screen.
A. 20
E. None of the above

Correct answer: D

13.  A men u ca n have up to _ men u items on the screen including functions separators and submenus.
B. 10
C. 15
D. None of t he above

Correct answer: A

ABAP Certification for developer - Associate Certification

SAP ABAP certified associates  - Netweaver

ABAP Unicode 

1.            Unicode checks can be made:
A. I n any system (after Release 6.10) by specifying the program has Unicode checks active
B. By running Transaction UCCHECK
C. Only in a Unicode system or as part of a conversion to a Unicode system
D. Cannot be enforced

Correct answers: A. B

2.            Memory requirements a re identical in a non Unicode system and in a Unicode system.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: B

3.            A difference between a Unicode and non-Unicode program is:
A. Byte type data objects cannot be assigned to character-type data objects.
B. Byte type da ta objects cannot be compared to character-type data objects.
C. Offset positioning in a Unicode structure is restricted to character data objects.
D. Offset positioning in a Unicode structure is restricted to nat data objects.

Correct answers: All options

4.            Two structures in Unicode programs are only compatible i f all alignment gaps a re identical on all platforms.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

5.            The enhancement category for a database table or structure:
A. Makes a table Unicode compliant
B. Specifies  the types of changes that can be made to the structure
C. Can produce warnings at incompatible points for the structure
D. Can identify where program behavior may change

Correct answers: B, C, D

6.            In a Unicode system when opening a file in TEXT MODE you must specify:
A. The E NCODING addition
B. The byte order
C. The code page

Correct answer: A

7.            In a non-Unicode system when opening a file in TEXT MODE you should specify:
A. The ENCODING addition
B. The byte order
C. The code page

Correct answers: B, C

ABAP Certification Associate Developer - SAP

SAP ABAP Developer Certification - NetWeaver

ABAP Debugging

1.    A Transparent table can include a deep structure.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: B

2.    ABAP data types can be used for a domain definition.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: B

3.    Which of the following statements are true?
A. A conversion routine can be assigned to a domain.
B. A conversion routine ca n be assigned to a data element.
C. You define the value range in tl1e data element.
D. You can enter documentation for the data element  in the ABAP Dictionary.

Correct answers: A, D

4.    F1 Help on the screen field displays the data element documentation.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

5.    Which of the following are true statements?
A. The technical attributes of the data clement ca n be defined by a domain, that is, the data type, the field length, and the number of decimal places.
B. You ca n also select predefined  data types to define the data type of the data element.
C. Reference data types can be used to define the data type of the data element.
D. Field labels are defined for the domain .

Correct answers: A, B, C

6.            You can define search helps and parameter lDs for a data element.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

7.            The line type for a table type can contain a flat, nested or deep structure.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A

8.            Which of the following are true statements?
A. Table fields ca n be assigned to a data element.
B. Table fields can be assigned to an ASAP Dictionary data type directly.
C. Search helps can be defined for a table field that is assigned  to a pre­defined data type.
D. A reference table and field are required for fields with the data types OUAN
and CURR.

Correct answers: A, B, D

9.            Which of the following is a true statement  regarding search helps?
A. You can use a maintenance view for the search help selection method.
B. You can use a database view for the search help selection method.
C. Help views can also be used for the selection method for search help.
D. You can use transparent  tables for the search help selection method .

Correct answers: B, C, D

10.  Which of the following regarding search helps is a t rue statement?
A. The interface for the search help is defined by the IMP (import) and EXP (export) flag of the search help parameter.
B. The LPos parameter defines the position of the search help parameter in the search hit list.
C. The SPos parameter defines the position of the input field on  the dialog
D. The text table for the selection method is automatically populated  if the text  table is attached  to  the  database  table  being  used as  the  selection method.

Correct answers: A, B, C, D

11.  Which of the following are true statements?
A. A database view is implemented as an inner join.
B. A maintenance view is implemented as an outer join.
C. A database view is implemented as an outer join.
D. A maintenance view is implemented as a n inner join.

Correct answers: A, B

12.  Which of the following are true statements?
A. The tables  included  in the maintenance  view should  have foreign  key relationships.
B. The tables included in the help view should have a foreign key relationship.
C. Projection views can have more than one table included for the view definition.
D. You cannot use a pooled or cluster table for database view.

Correct answers: A, B. D

13.  You can create projection views for pooled or cluster tables.
A. True
B. False

Correct answer: A